A Rerun of Love ~ 52 Reasons

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I have shared this post before…..and here goes again.  A gift from the heart that is a meaningful and fun project.  By the way….it does not need to be just for Valentine’s Day.  Have a great day and Be nice to people! ♥

valentin 006A while back I stumbled across a cute idea on www.pinterest.com and made a mental note, “I am going to do this for my hubby.” I bought a deck of cards and jumped on my computer to make my list of “52 Random Reminders of Why I Love You”. (Am I the only one who thinks this resembles a ransom note?) When I  started, I was a little slow, honestly. But after about  number ten, I became lost in my list and was having to do trade-outs to keep the number at 52! I still keep thinking of things I missed at the time and know I could easily fill a few more decks of cards.

valentin 005I began doing this project FOR my hubby. But somewhere in the searching for the right words in my head, my heart took over and it became therapeutic. This was not just to tell him, it was to remind me. There are so many reasons and reminders of why I still love him. Thirty-something years worth.

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Sit down at your computer or with pen and paper. Start that list of 52 reasons for your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, sibling, daughter, son, parent, grandparent, etc.  This little project will make your heart more grateful…   ♥

Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.  Zig Ziglar ~

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25 Responses to A Rerun of Love ~ 52 Reasons

  1. What an amazing DIY. I also really love your blog, your style is so distinctive.
    Here’s my Valentine’s Day DIY today (http://helloscarlettblog.com/2014/02/11/5-manly-gifts-for-valentines-day/). It’s be great to hear some input!

  2. Love. Love. Love this!

    Two years ago, I gave my beloved a gift of a poem a day for 14 days. The 14 turned into a year of a poem a day which I eventually made into a book for him at Christmas.

    Like you, I discovered it wasn’t ‘about him’ and was all about me. My understanding, knowing, feeling, gratitude for love deepened — as did my love for him.

    I think I might try this one this year — love it!

  3. russtowne says:

    What a terrific idea. One could also do the same for things they are grateful about their friends, children, life, their faith, and more. Thank you for the suggestion!

  4. jmgoyder says:

    What a great idea!

  5. bulldog says:

    Now this is a good idea… gonna try it…

  6. Rhonda says:

    Such a good idea Paula…and I loved when you said it wasn’t just to tell him how you felt, but to remind you! Wow…THAT’S IT! xoxo

  7. Paula – I love this project. Reminder notes are good for the soul, both for the person receiving the notes and for the individual making them.

  8. That is so good… and maybe even I… who is creatively challenged.. could do… I card per week… Diane

  9. viveka says:

    Wow, this so brilliant … if I had a partner that had done this for me???!!!! I have to do a list over 52 reasons way I live on my own.

  10. Reblogged this on stuff i tell my sister and commented:

    Happy Day to all! Project “Grateful”…..be nice to others~

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