“An American Story” ~ that began in Brazil (guest post)

It is no secret that I love and appreciate our American flag, our Pledge and anyone who has ever served our country.  Imagine my delight when I received this “surprise” in the mail on Saturday. yes ~ surprises are another love! an american story
I met my friend Juliana a couple of years ago at a show. I instantly bonded with her as I was drawn to her art. Her heart is as sweet as her paintings, but when I looked at this set of notecards she sent, my heart sank. You see, there is so much more to her story.

Juliana grew up with her family in a small rural community in Brazil. The following is some of what she shared with me. (used with permission)
“It was a small home, and I have so many fond memories of that place. Of the warmth of a small but loving home, of veggie gardens and playing outside in the muddy yard, of walking to my grandparents house. In 1994, when I was only fifteen, my parents moved our family to the United States. They were seeking a better education and so much more. We had to start a whole new life, along with learning a different language and a new culture. I admit, it was very difficult the first year. But even with the language barrier and culture, we made new friends at church who embraced us and welcomed us with open arms! As the years went by, we adjusted. We truly made the United States our new home and I can say today, that it would be very hard for me to go back or live anywhere else.”

Now ~ about the above print, “An American Story” ~

“I’ve always had a deep connection with little houses, I think from growing up in a small house, and feeling that warmth and embrace of family there. The colorful houses I paint represent many emotions and fond memories. Also, my Christian faith has played a great part in my art. When I’m painting I often think of how God blessed my life with a loving family growing up, and now as well, with my husband and kids in our home. He has provided for me in many ways through the years. When I don’t paint houses, I paint nature, flowers, trees, and insects. While I am aware that there is sadness and tragedies in our world, I strive to find the beauty and new life in the “everyday” that God gives us.  As an artist, I want to make a difference in someone’s life by sharing a little bit of the beauty that surrounds us.”

Juliana went on to say that as Independence Day approaches us, it reminds her of what America is about. It is a country that has embraced freedom and sacrifice.  It is a love for God and for neighbors. And it’s those same feelings that she and her family felt when they moved here, all those years ago. “An American Story” (above) represents a little bit of that. “Lives past ~the old but faithful barn. Lives that were sacrificed for the American people. And the green trees represent new life. The American flag continues to speak for itself, as it stands, firm and bright.”

Bless you, Juliana, for my wonderful gift! I am so glad to have you as my friend ♥ And thanks for taking the time to share “YOU” with us.  HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY !

If you’d like to see more of Juliana’s work, check out her website/blog at www.paintednotecards.com .

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20 Responses to “An American Story” ~ that began in Brazil (guest post)

  1. bulldog says:

    What a lovely share this is… a truly good friend that appreciates what she has in life….

  2. A beautiful story. Even here in Canada I’ve heard stories from people who were not born here but have made Canada their home. It is their stories that remind me how lucky I am to live in this country. Isn’t funny how it becomes so much clearer through the eyes of someone who once was an outsider?

  3. Canada has done the same for me. I’m a prouder Canadian (having come here at age 6) than many of the people born here who take these privileges for granted. Good for Juliana, showing appreciation for a country that has been good to her.

  4. Bonnie says:

    A beautiful story..and what a great reminder to be grateful for all we do have. xo

  5. Lovely story, Paula.
    Norway has been good to me, it’s where I live, it’s home… But I still consider myself an American and proud of it 🙂

  6. A great post as a reminder to be grateful for what we have.

  7. Jeannette from the CA coast says:

    Enjoyed this story so much and loved looking at her artwork! Thanks for sharing:)

  8. What a very sweet and touching story. I often think it is those who have made America their home who better understand the blessings. Those of us who were graced with our nation as home from birth can take it quite for granted, sadly. I’m so happy to be introduced to Juliana’s artwork. I’ll look forward to enjoying more. 🙂

  9. Juliana says:

    Thank you so much for sharing my story Paula! And thank you everyone for such nice comments!!! I really appreciate it!! Juliana 🙂

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