Prayers For Rosalie ~ An Update

It has been almost two weeks since little Rosalie’s accident. (for any reader unfamiliar with Rosalie’s story, read “Ribbons and Prayers for Rosalie“)The pink ribbons that can now be seen all over our town, serve as reminders that she is still fighting for her life.  She and her family still need our support, prayers, and positive thoughts.  It has been heart-warming to see the many local fundraisers.  Bake sales, lemonade stands, garage sales.  All in an effort to help Rosalie’s parents be able to spend time with her, and off set some of the expenses.

The most recent update from her family was posted last night and it is as follows:

“Hey everyone! Sorry that we took so long getting you an update on Rosalie today. She had such a great day! Her vitals all stayed very stable overnight and through the day. Her temperature is beginning to stabilize! We have been able to maintain her temperature most of the day on the very lowest setting of the heating blanket! Also, several days ago, the nurses started to give her a “bath”, and it …caused her temperature, blood pressure and heart rate to drop and gave us all a good scare. Today, we braved the “bath” again, because we are trusting God that it is in His hands. Rosalie did very well, and actually, her vitals seemed to respond positively to it. Tonight we continue to pray for complete healing of Rosalie’s body. Specifically, we will be praying for her breathing to get stronger and that we will start to see her breathing on her own again. Also, we are praying that she will open her eyes soon! Please join us in praying for over all healing, but also in these specific needs. Thank you all so much for your continued love and support of Rosalie and our family! Thank you Lord for the blessing of one more day with our sweet Rosalie, and for continuing to heal her little body. We love you Lord!”

I will post future updates in the “comment area” of this post, so you can check up on Rosalie.  You can also go directly to her parent’s Facebook page (along with over 23,000 others) ~ Please Pray for Rosalie.  Thanks to each of you for keeping Rosalie in your thoughts and prayers ~ ♥

(Above photo from “Please Pray for Rosalie” facebook page.)

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54 Responses to Prayers For Rosalie ~ An Update

  1. Thanks for the update and prayers will be continually sent until she’s better…

  2. Christi says:

    Don’t know how anyone could doubt the power of prayers after following little Rosalie’s story for the past several days. Prayers will be continuing from here for this sweet baby girl!

  3. Thanks for the update. I’ve been praying for that sweet little girl. Great picture of the family too.

  4. Cara Olsen says:

    Praying for Rosalie this morning.

    ~ Cara

  5. Thank you for keeping us posted, Paula. I have wondered how she is faring, and this news is heartening. My thoughts go out to her family and her community. I am wearing pink ribbons around me heart.

  6. Well Bless all their hearts! I pray for little Rosalie’s body to revive and restore and for her to open her eyes again and give mom & dad a thrill straight from the hands of our Heavenly Father.

  7. Add me to the list of folks – I can’t imagine what her parents and family must be going through, my heart goes out to them You are so amazing to help gather the the good thoughts and prayers from people far and wide. Know that prayers and positive thoughts are coming in from Ca too…

  8. UPDATE 6-19-2012; 2:30 pm: from the family
    Hi Everyone,

    A quick update on sweet Rosie and some specific prayer requests. Last night Rosie’s BP dropped some and she started having excessive Urine output. This has happened before and God has been so Gracious and awesome to heal in those areas. Her BP is stabilized again today (without drugs), her sodium is normal, her heartrate is good. Praise You God! She will also begin to start receiving food thru the feeding tube again today!

    Her urine output still needs to slow so she doesn’t get dehydrated. We ask you to petition God with us to heal her little body in this area again.

    Also, we have been told that her hemoglobin count is low today. So the blood is not carrying as much oxygen as we would like. They are increasing her oxygen to try and compensate. We really need God to supernaturally heal her in this area so that other measures do not need to be taken. Our God has shown up every time in every way and He will again. “He might let us bend but He won’t let us break.”

    Finally, she needs healing for her breathing. Pray God will give her body what it needs to start breathing on her own again. This is pretty important as her ventilator tube has been down her throat for going on 2 weeks now.

    Thank you for your continued support and Love in this time of tribulation. It is appreciated more than you will ever know. There is a peace that comes along with knowing tens of thousands of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ are praying fervently with us.

    Thank You Lord for all the blessings you have bestowed on us and Rosie today. We know everything is in Your perfect time and wholeheartedly trust You to take care of Rosalie as You see fit. Bless all the precious friends who are praying for our Rosie with us. They have been an important part of this and part of Your Glorious Plan. Thank You in Advance for the miracles you will perform today and in the future. We Love You God!

  9. robincoyle says:

    That gave me chills. Ok to hit “like this time because the news appears to be positive.

  10. 8:45pm update: Thank you everyone for your constant prayer for Rosalie. Her blood oxygen levels have continued to be lower than normal today, indicating that her low hemogloblin levels need to be treated. We just started a blood transfusion. Please pray that the blood she is receiving is clean and healthy, and that it nourishes her body and helps her oxygenation return to normal. Thank you Lord for the person who selflessly gave their blood, to help our Rosalie continue to heal. Thank you Lord for the doctors and nurses for their continued care and attention to Rosalie and her changing needs. Please Lord bless Rosalie with this life giving blood, and let it help to heal her in more ways than one. Thank you for so many blessings, and for one more day with our sweet girl. We love you Lord!

  11. Hello everyone. Thank you again for all of your continuous prayers. Rosalie is now on 100% ventilation support and her stats are trending downward. We need all of Rosalie’s prayer warriors to drop to your knees in prayer for some positive change. Pour your hearts out to God for our sweet girl. Praise God for all of the miracles he has provided and many more to come. Thank you all so much for loving our sweet Rosalie as we all continue to believe that God is in control and our ultimate healer. We Love you Lord, Thank you for everything you have done for us and I will Praise you always!! Amen (3:00 p.m.) (Update from the family)

  12. 11:20 p.m.
    Hey everyone its Tiffany Rosalie’s mommy. First off I would like to thank all of you for the continuous prayers! Earlier today Rosalie got put to 100% Oxygen from the Ventilator. After that her Blood Pressures started to go down, her heart rate started to rise and the oxygen in her blood got down to 77(suppose to be at 100). As of right now her blood pressure has almost stabilized, her heart rate is back to normal and her oxygen in her blood is back up to 92!! Praise God!! Thank you everyone for all your prayers! God is hearing all of us, keep the prayers coming 🙂 ♥

  13. Hello Everyone, (repost from the family page)
    We are asking for another unified prayer time today. We would like to do it at 12:00cst. Which is in an 2 hours and 15 minutes. I know this is short notice, but this is the time layed on my heart. All who can join in would be extremely appreciated. Thank You!

  14. 9pm update from the family:
    With God’s help, Rosalie is such a fighter! They have been able to lower the amount of oxygen she is receiving and her tissue oxygen saturation has stayed in the 90s all day! God is so good! All her other vitals have stayed stable today and her urine output has normalized after one injection of vasopressin. Also, at 10pm they will increase Rosalie’s feeding rate 5 more ml’s which will put her at the full feeding rate! Her body needed these nutrients so badly, and we can already tell a difference from one full day of food! Thank you so much Lord for that. Thank you Lord for every blessing that you have given to us today, and especially for giving us one more day with Rosalie. Thank you for continuing to heal and strengthen her body a little more each day. God, please bless each and every person who is praying for Rosalie. We love you Lord.

  15. nyparrot says:

    Children are resilient, and so I pray with all my heart that with the God’s help Rosalie makes a full recovery and grow to be a healthy, smart, and happy girl.

  16. Pingback: The Rose ~ | stuff i tell my sister

  17. 9am Update from the Family: Dear Prayer Warriors,

    Rosalie is beginning to become unstable again. They had to turn her oxygen back up to 100% and her saturation level is varying between 70-80. Her BP is pretty Low again and it seems like anytime the nurses come in to do anything with her, her vital fluctuate quite a bit. She has a slight fever this morning also. They gave her tylenol and that seemed to help.

    We ask you once again to pray hard for stabilization and healing. Pray for wisdom, peace and comfort for the family. This has been quite a rollercoaster ride, but we are trusting in the Lord our God to bring us through.

    I had a dream last night that Rosalie opened her eyes, started moving her head, reached out her arms for her mommy. Her Daddy picked her up and hugged her and she started running around the room like nothing happened. It was so awesome! We were so amazed we could barely talk.

    God, you know our hearts, and that we would like for Rosalie to be completely healed as soon as possible. But, we trust that your way is perfect as you continue to build our trust in you and your ever-present peace and comfort. We Love You Lord!

  18. 1:45 pm from the family: Prayer warriors, please send up your prayers with a bold heart once again. Her blood pressure is dangerously low, and we are praying for God’s hand to be all over her little body right now. Thank you Lord for all the miracles that you have shown us already. The cry of our hearts is to see just one more God. Please reach down and touch Rosalie’s body and heal her completely Lord. We know that your timing is perfect, and that gives us such comfort God. We know that your will is perfect also, and we praise you no matter what.

  19. 6:30 pm update:
    About 4 hours ago Rosalie’s vitals took a turn for the worse. Her Blood Pressure at its lowest was 32/14. The staff anticipated her heart stopping very soon. We all dropped to our knees by her bed and cried out to God. After about 45 minutes of watching it get lower and lower and NO medication it is now 83/52!!!!! All her vitals are stable now!! PRAISE BE TO THE GLORY OF GOD!!! God is so good! Thank you Lord!! Thank you all for praying for our sweet girl! We had another miracle from God!! There is no other explanation than God! All glory be to him!! Father God I just thank you so much for the peace, strength, wisdom, courage and love that you show us. Lord I continue to pray for your will. Lord you know our hearts and we want her back here in our arms. I know with all my heart that all you would do is touch her and she would be back in our arms. But God I also know that your will and plan for our sweet Rose is so perfect! We love you so much and will continue to praise you in this storm! We will praise and Trust you now and forever. I pray all this in your son’s Holy name… Amen

  20. Sunday, June 24, from the family: Hey everyone. I’m so sorry we are just now posting. I know how much you guys care about Rosalie and I love you all for that. May God jut bless your life. Rosalie was stable all day yesterday and all night as well. We hit a few complications yesterday but they have seemed to resolve themselves.

  21. Tuesday, 6-26, 2:15 p.m. Praising God for another day with my sweet Rosalie! Again I am so so sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. Anytime you feel the need to come to this page and share your heart about needing an update I just know that I stand in awe of your faithfulness to Our Father and to my sweet Rosalie. I Love you all dearly. Thank you for your heart for God and Rose. I cant even being to thank all of you enough. Thank you! So Rosalie is maintaining all of her vitals. Praise God!

  22. From Rosalie’s dad: Rosalie’s vitals have remained stable for the past 48 hours.

  23. Update from the family 6-29-2012: Today was a very peaceful day for Rosalie and for all of our family. Rosalie’s oxygen level has steadily been able to wean down, and her saturation is staying at 100%! Thank you Lord. She is not absorbing the gastric feeds much, but she is still getting the IV nutrition, so we are so thankful for that. She has been very stable with repositioning, which she hasn’t always tolerated before, which is such a blessing. Thank you Lord that we were blessed with another day with Rosalie and that she is doing well today. Thank you for peace and for a quiet day with no complications

  24. 7-3-2012 update from the family:
    Thank you everyone for loving Rosalie as your own. We had a really peaceful day today. Rosalie remained stable in her vitals and we all felt Gods peace wrapped around us all day. Praise God!

  25. Praying hard for this baby girl and her family.

  26. 7-13-2012 update (pm) Thank you Jesus for another day with Rosalie! Thank you guys so much for all your heart felt prayers on here and in the presence of God! I read everyone of them and it was so encouraging! Thank you so much! Love you all! Her vitals are all stable. She has been able to go up on feeds!!! Praise God!! She still has reflexes and movements. Thank you Jesus! She handled the move to CT very well! Thank you Jesus! The CT didn’t show anything one way or the other at this point. We are continuing to Trust God to see us through this situation.

  27. kizzylee says:

    thank you for the updates i really appreciate them, i wont do facebook, for many reasons, so i only hear from you how this gorgeous little girl is doing and i dont mind admitting this situation has brought a tear to my eye more than once and its hard to type even now for wiping them away, as always rosalie is in our thoughts and prayers, i will ask for extra prayers in church on sunday we are only a small community in england but will prayer with all our hearts for little rosalie, stay strong rosalie’s family we are all with you in praying and hoping for this beautiful girl xx

  28. an update from Rosie’s mom, 8-21-2012 ~Thank you Father for another day with Rosalie! Thank you for another day to be able to worship you. I hope everyone had a great weekend! I spent a lot of the weekend with my boys so that was really nice! Rosalie is doing good! Everyday she is more responsive to touch and to our voices. We were trying to get her to kick her leg up by talking to her…. I told her that she was going to have to work extra hard so she can open those eyes and see her brothers. She started to get really red and kicked her leg up!! Praise God!! Thank you all so much for praying for Rosalie!! I wish you all could be here and see all the awesome little miracles happening everyday in her little body. She is truly a miracle from God.

  29. My little namesake so ill and I only just hear about it. Still trying to take it in. Our prayer tree has lilac rather than pink ribbons but the prayers come to God just the same.

  30. Pingback: Ribbons for Rosalie | Rosalie Squires

  31. 8-24 update from “mom” ~ Thank you Father for another day with Rosalie! God you are such a loving God! We love you so much and praise you for this wonderful day to spend with you. Rosalie is doing good, everyday we just see her respond to more and different things! Bowels and stomach are doing great! She is rocking all her vitals too! Thank yo
    u Jesus! I had a scary pregnancy with Rosalie, I ended up being on bed rest with her in the hospital for a week or so before I had her. I had really high blood pressure and early stages of preeclampsia. One day I was sitting there and pretty sure I was about to stroke due to high blood pressure. They rushed me to the Operating Room and did an emergency C-section. She was exactly 5 weeks early. She spent 6 days in the NICU, everything was fine and she went right home after that. Praise God! Well the only thing I noticed with her was that if you were to run your finger from ear to the top of the head to her other ear, you would feel a separation in her skull. They told me that she was early and that is just something that can happen when they don’t go full term. She said that it would eventually come together and fully fuse but it might take her a little longer because she was early. With this accident she had brain swelling due to lack of oxygen we were told that she would herniated into her brain stem because she didn’t have anywhere else for her brain to go. So we prayed, day after day went by and nothing happened. When we had the CT done, we saw that her skull had separated in the exact same spot that she was born with. There for it created room for the brain to swell. We were feeling around her head the other day to see what it felt like….. Her skull is almost all the way back together!! Praise God! I know that in the storm of my baby Rosalie being born early, God knew the plans for her life then and he knows them now!! Had she gone full term and had a fully fussed skull she would have herniated which basically when that happens the outcome is more than likely passing away. Jesus has Rosalie and has been holding her in his arms her whole life and I know he is watching over her now until its time to come back to us. I was struggling a few days last week and for 4 days I just cried out to God and I knew he was close but I just didn’t feel the peace that I had always felt. I prayed and asked God to bring that peace back to me because I hated living in the future or in fear which is where I had gotten. I didn’t understand why he didn’t just wrap peace all around me right then. The more I prayed the more it became clear that in order for God to just release in me the peace that surpasses all understanding I needed to release Rosalie back into his care and stop leaning on my own understanding. Then this devotional just clarified to me what I heard God tell me. Thank you all for praying for Rosalie. He is the God that is full of Grace and Peace! Thank you all for crying out and loving our Lord and savior! God bless.

  32. 9-4-2012 update from “mom”: Rosalie is doing good! We are continuing to see new signs of response from her. Today they put a urine catheter in just to check something and she wiggled , her heart rate came up and her face got red. I hate that she got upset but it was a new sign to us of her awareness! She seems to becoming more aware everyday of things around her. We just can’t believe how far she has come since the first day when we were told she would not live past the first 12 hours. We have been through so much healing over the past 3 months. She didn’t have a heart beat for over an hour….I know that at least 5 times we would told that she would not make it through the next 12 hours, 8 hours, 3 hours, by the grace of God Rosalie is still here with us today and we lift our hands high in praise to our Lord and Savior. She is in God’s hands and always has been. There is nothing more for the Dr’s to do for her in the hospital as she is being healed in Jesus Christ name….. So I would like to let everyone know that Rosalie will be coming home on Thursday! Praise God for bringing her far enough to be able to go home to finish healing in His hands. We all feel so much peace about going home. She is on 2 medications as of right now. One for her stomach and one for her fluid balance problem. Other than that she is stable just healing more and more each day. Please pray for us while we travel home on Thursday. I have prayed a lot about going home and I know that this is the path God is leading us down and I trust him. We are so excited to bring her home!! Thank you all so much for your prayers!!

  33. Just to let you know, Rosalie’s family brought her back home this past week. This will present many new challenges, so keep them in your prayers.

  34. Monica McCuistion says:

    Have been praying for this little angel from the moment I heard it on the news… God Bless!

  35. Is there any further news?

  36. Good photos, beautifully.
    A good weekend.
    Greeting, Wolfgang

  37. Pingback: Rosalie | stuff i tell my sister

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