Eye on the Sky

A little reminder for those that live in “storm” areas.  Spring is here and though tornadoes can occur at ANY time, now seems to be when they are really kicking in.  Our outstanding Oklahoma meteorologists have been preparing us that today could be a rough day.  Our temps are in the 80’s right now and yet a cold front will push through in a few short hours. It’s what everyone is talking about.  Being head’s up today.  Eye on the sky.

I picked hubby up for lunch today and we went to Wal-Mart and tried on bike helmets to add to our tornado closet.  We decided we wanted more protection than they could offer.  The t-ball helmets wouldn’t begin to fit on our heads.  Next I tried an igloo water cooler, but I couldn’t see AND hubby was embarrassed, so we left and went to Lowe’s hubby is so smart. We purchased construction helmets.  They are inexpensive and adjustable. and ugly  Next stop was Hobby Lobby for hot pink stickers!helmet heads

My point in all of this?!?!?  Make your tornado plans now.  Know where to go if you need to take cover.  We do not have a safe room or cellar, so we have a designated interior “closet”.  Recommended things for your designated place: pillows (to shield your body), blankets, helmets and winter coats (again ~ for protection from flying debris).  If you have animals, don’t forget their food and leashes. Bottled water, a whistle or bell (to let people know where you are), flashlights and a battery-powered radio or weather radio. Also, stick your driver’s license safely in your pocket.(tip from my sister)  It doesn’t take much to get these items together.  Hopefully you will never need them, but better to be prepared.

Be Safe!  I’m off to make my helmet PINK! 😉


p.s.  My laptop is in the hospital….will be back in full force soon…whatever that is! 😉


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51 Responses to Eye on the Sky

  1. We have the bad stuff coming tomorrow. We have had incredible tornadoes in the Spring. It’s in the 70’s and humid and my dog is panting and senses, I think, the harsh weather. They are predicting 80 degrees tomorrow and they are reiterating weather preparedness tips because we may get this stuff overnight. Spring is definitely here.

  2. renae says:

    Guess what we get after you??? Yep, moving in tomorrow evening…..got to get me a helmet! May as well be fashionable during a storm 😀

  3. Jeannette from the CA coast says:

    Reminds me to check my earthquake supplies:-) Although I believe we get far fewer earthquakes here than tornadoes in your area, it’s still good to have preparations made before any such event! Makes me think of my Girl Scout motto…ALWAYS BE PREPARED .

    • Preparation…yes! Interesting fact at our house…we are about to replace our floors because of an earthquake. It loosed tons of our tiles!

      • Jeannette from the CA coast says:

        Funny…we were visiting family in Tulsa in the fall of 2011 and experienced earthquakes the first three nights in a row! Couldn’t believe it! We hadn’t felt one in years at home and here we were shaking in Oklahoma:)

      • The first time one happened here we just stood in disbelief looking at each other. It was over before we figured out what had just happened. So are you telling me you guys BROUGHT the earthquakes to us?!?! 😉

  4. Earthquakes are scary but tornadoes would be terrifying. Good emergency prep list, Paula. Let’s hope you don’t need to use it.

    • Typically we know they are coming….and honestly….there is quite an adrenaline rush which makes one want to grab the camera…BUT…we’ve done this long enough to know when to take cover. We should be good. THANKS! ♥

  5. Paula these are wonderful tips , but I would suggest also if you have daily meds to put two-three days worth in a pill box or save empty bottles instead of throwing out when you get next refill (this is what I do) just place 2-3 days in those and keep them in your safe spot, also with your D. L’s your bank card or a credit card and the original or copy of insurance card for medical care. I know that sounds overboard but you just never know. My hubs and I started putting our things together last week and I pray none of us have to rely on any of these supplies. thank you for your wonderful tips and stay safe!!

  6. Reblogged this on myownheart.me and commented:
    Paula these are wonderful tips , but I would suggest also if you have daily meds to put two-three days worth in a pill box or save empty bottles instead of throwing out when you get next refill (this is what I do) just place 2-3 days in those and keep them in your safe spot, also with your D. L’s your bank card or a credit card and the original or copy of insurance card for medical care. I know that sounds overboard but you just never know. My hubs and I started putting our things together last week and I pray none of us have to rely on any of these supplies. thank you for your wonderful tips and stay safe!!Add your thoughts here… (optional)

  7. That’s some good advice… I don’t normally worry too much about this kind of thing, but we’ve heard more sirens here in Louisville than we ever did in Lawton… and now we live on the third floor of an apartment… hmmm… at least at the house we rented we had a basement (even if it had a tendency to flood LOL)

    • Well….you know what the weather guys here always say….”get to the lowest floor of your building, don’t be in a vehicle or a mobile home”. So you might just wanna keep a little getaway bag ready to grab as ya head out the door? But i just hope you won’t need it!! Crazy stuff 😉

  8. artsifrtsy says:

    Stay safe – so far it’s calm here. I have a cellar and it no longer holds water, so I should be good:)

  9. Our temps are just now dropping…50’s. Dogs made one last evening trip out. 😉 I’m so glad your have a cellar now and not a pool! (but I don’t want you to need it!)

  10. bulldog says:

    Hope you never have to use the cupboard… those things sound scary… lucky we don’t get them here…

    • They are….but they are also kind of a rush. Because it is not safe….I failed to mention that the FIRST thing most folks do around here is grab their camera and head outside, hoping to catch a glimpse before it hits….and that is the real Oklahoman! 😉

  11. Patty B says:

    Great advice! We live in Pennsylvania and normally do not have problems with tornadoes but the past few years they are getting more fierce. We have our plan on how to get all 4 dogs downstairs to the basement but I never thought of the other things…will start leaving water and other supplies down there too. I would rather be prepared and do not need it then have a tornado strike and not be prepared.

  12. amb says:

    Be safe! (And share some photos of that pink helmet! 🙂 )

  13. I grew up in tornado country–couldn’t wait to get away from that. I loved the fact that there were no tornadoes in the Pacific Northwest. My first year in Washington, I got caught in a volcanic eruption and experienced my first earthquake. You must have been a good Girl Scout–well prepared. We have our earthquake kit in our front closet, and just replaced the food and water packets. Stay safe, Paula!

    • Now I’m worried about all of you in tornado country. I very well remember my dad saying “get into the cellar” when I was a little kid living in OK. I’m happy to hear you have made provisions for some sort of a safe area…and I do want to see your pink helmet. I have family in Tulsa and Bixby. Prayers for all of you.

    • Wow….a volcano AND an earthquake?!?! Naomi! Frightening! With today’s technology, we know when the storms are coming. Plus you “feel” it in the air. Prepare for the worst….hope for the best! I was a HORRIBLE Girl Scout. But I loved all the songs and the smores! 😉

  14. Pingback: Miscellaneous (or however you spell it!) | stuff i tell my sister

  15. I’m not in tornado-land but we’ve certainly been getting pounded with hurricanes these past few years. This is great advice. *hugs* Stay safe!

    • I have never experienced a hurricane and the thought frightens me as tornadoes frighten others. It’s what you are used to….you just “deal” as best you can, I guess. You stay safe as well! ♥

  16. Great advise. I grew up in Kansas and was never as afraid of tornados as I am now. I no longer live in Kansas but have a healthy respect for the violent weather we now experience.

  17. We had terrible storms Wednesday night. Rich and I were at my mother’s while he worked on the motorcycle, and I was doing her laundry. As the storm came in, I went out and stood on the back porch like I used to as a kid and watched it come in from the west. It was a sideways rain, and it didn’t take long to force me from the porch. I had to go back out though when the hail came. I told Mom I was going to watch for a tornado.

    We’ve had tornado damage at our house before. It was an F-1, so homes weren’t destroyed, but I’ll never forget what it looked like outside as I was running for the basement – and the sound! Really good tips, Paula. You’ve reminded me I should put more items in the basement, just in case we need them.

    • Good that you have a basement…. as I watch many new buildings under construction in our area right now, I make mental notes that these are places I would NEVER want to take shelter in during a storm! We learned much from our OKC and Joplin tornadoes. You guys stay safe! 😉

  18. Pingback: Storms continue to brew….. | stuff i tell my sister

  19. Lots of good information here for those who need it, Paula. Be safe.

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