A Happy Birthday Song for Hubby!

Today is my hubby’s birthday! There is A LOT I could say on the subject of “him”. But I will keep it short. So to dear hubby:

I wish you a Very Happy Birthday! I look forward to the day we can spend more time together. I am planning on winning the lottery one of these days…said with a grin   So thankful for the day our paths crossed at Taco Bueno.  And yes….I do plan on singing the happy birthday song to you.  Tonight.  In public. 

Love always ~ psb

paula and marv dec pic

I leave you with this song.  Although I’m certain it cannot compare to the version your  friend Doug sang for you this morning! 🙂    Marilyn Monroe’s Happy Birthday  ♥

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22 Responses to A Happy Birthday Song for Hubby!

  1. renae says:

    Happy Birthday Martin! 🙂

  2. I do hope your hubby doesn’t have to work all day but with retail, well, my guess is that he will.

  3. Happy birthday to your dear hubby. 🙂

  4. Hope your hubby has had a wonderful birthday!!!

  5. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

  6. Best wishes to your husband!

  7. shreejacob says:

    Happy Birthday!! 😀

  8. I was at my mother’s today! I nearly missed Marvin’s birthday! It’s not midnight yet. Happy Birthday, Marvin!! Here’s a song for you:

    Hippo, birdie, two ewe;
    Hippo, birdie, two ewe;
    Hippo, birdie, deer Marvin;
    Hippo, birdie, two ewe!

    (Yes, I’m really twelve years old.)

  9. I hope he had a fantastic birthday!

  10. Wishing your hubby a lovely birthday celebration! And if you can record your song so we can all hear it too 😉

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