Happy Birthday Egg Hunt…..

birthday 2014Our two sweet little pound puppies turned eight years old today.  It’s their assumed birthday…but they don’t question it, nor do they seem to mind.  We began the tradition of egg hunt after their first year. It seems to be their favorite game of all times.  The race is against each other to pop open the next egg.  Of course the treat is devoured on the spot….so no basket is necessary!  Happy Birthday Sugar and Baby.  birthday 2014 1 birthday 2014 5 birthday 2014 3 birthday 2014 4

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18 Responses to Happy Birthday Egg Hunt…..

  1. andy1076 says:

    Happy bday to them! 😀

  2. Southernruralroute.wordpress.com says:

    I read on Facebook today that animals seem to know they were “saved” when they are adopted from the pound. I notice you didn’t try real hard to hide the eggs…

  3. What a great way to celebrate a dog’s birthday!

  4. What a lovely tradition! Happy Birthday pups 😀

  5. Fun action photos. Happy Birthday to your adorable pups. 🙂

  6. Rhonda says:

    lucky furkids! happy birthday!

  7. Oh my, happy happy birthday to them both! What a fun tradition!

  8. Angie says:

    Happy 8th Birthday to them both 😀 😀

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