Vacuum Cleaner Queen???

The partial article listed below made me giggle this morning. One of our very first purchases after getting married was a KIRBY vacuum. It was expensive, very heavy, plus we had to finance part of it!!! When friends/family need a new vacuum….they usually call me. Even co-workers of my husband’s call me when that time comes for them. When I visit other people’s house, yep, I ask what kind of vacuum they have and “do you mind if I try it?” I didn’t really ASK for this position, I just acquired it. I am visual…therefore I vacuum a LOT….I guess you could say it’s a curse that really “sucks”.  ~ smile~  Maybe it’s because I prided myself as a youngster in knowing how to SPELL “vacuum”.  It is tricky word.  I can hear the conversation now when I die:  “Wow, she really knew her vacuums…”Regardless of the reason for this honor I’ve been deemed, I’ll take it.  It’s very close to being crowned the queen of brooms….but not quite.

“Financially Fit Home: Reliable Kirby vacuum sweeps away most of the competitionReliable Kirby vacuum sweeps away most of the competition!By Ed Perratore, Consumer Reports
Top honors in Consumer Reports brand-repair surveys and stout metal parts designed to be rebuilt instead of replaced could make the high-scoring, $1,350 Kirby Sentria upright the last vacuum you buy.”

(and in case you are wondering…a decent less expensive vacuum I had for a couple of years was the Hoover Windtunnel.  I’m now on year two with my Electrolux and I LOVE it!  It will even vacuum bare floors and is great if you have indoor pets…I know…enough already, it’s just a vacuum cleaner….)

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14 Responses to Vacuum Cleaner Queen???

  1. renae says:

    Remember when you had to buy the bags for the vacuum cleaner??? Reading and wondering if you were selecting the correct one…this is a history lesson for the younger generation…! I am now the proud owner of a yellow Dyson. It really sucks! You defiantly do have the title of “Vacuum Cleaner Queen”. Maybe you can make an appearance on Martha Stewert….she can’t know everything 🙂

  2. I had a Dyson for a little while….my kids have it now. A while back Chi told me about a part-time job with Dyson. Pretty sad when you son calls and says, “This would be the perfect job for you Mom, selling vacuums.” Yep….that’s always been my lifetime dream! LOL! (I did apply, they DID call me immediately….we just couldn’t come to “terms” about working every weekend…..dream vanished….ha!)

  3. suck…vacuum….I get it!

  4. I have to tell you when I was in Kohl’s last week, I heard two young men discussing vacuums. One laughed and said his mother used to have a dinosaur – the kind that took bags! I badly wanted to clue them in I still have to use one that takes bags. Happens to be an electrolux about 30+ years old….don’t think it’s really made for today’s floor coverings but keeps hanging “in there” even though I think it ‘sucks’.

  5. That is too funny, Darla! Bags…..a totally different meaning these days!!! LOL

  6. renae says:

    @ Darla, I thought electrolux was a new brand the last few years…..just learned something and FYI, they are building a new plant in Memphis. Not many things last more than 30 years these days 🙂 Paula, can’t wait to see what your next blogg is about……and I just got a new cookbook, Pioneer Woman Cooks…..anyone else have this? I’ve seen some post on FB about it. Can’t wait to check it out….Thanks Connie!

  7. gina baker says:

    Well, I buy a new vacuum every 2 years if I need it or not. The one I bought in Dec. is a Eureka and it really sucks…I think it takes off a layer each time……….

    Paula your a funny girl…. 🙂

  8. julie b says:

    I remember Marvin saying EARLY in your marriage that he was going to have your gravestone carved into the shape of a vacuum…in hind-sight, maybe we should have been concerned that he was considering your demise so soon…

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